Building digital literacy in staff and students

Our College provides on-site Information and Communications Technology (ICT) support to staff and students.

We have a small team of ICT specialists located in the Library that take care of our staff and students needs including the running of online NAPLAN, internet usage and permissions and general IT issues. 

At Byford we know the future is in technology. Our students are at the frontline of the ever increasing digital world which is why we work hard to increase digital literacy within our classrooms. The Bring Your Own Device Program not only allows students to flourish in an online environment but it also teaches the basics of safety and troubleshooting. This program also decreases the need for physical books which is more environmentally conscious and alleviates the weight of backpacks especially for our younger students. 

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

Apple and windows devices should be used within the school.

  • Android devices, Chromebooks and iPad Mini are not supported.
  • Second-hand and reconditioned Apple/Windows devices are acceptable.
  • A drop proof case & care protection/warranty are recommended.
  • Minimum storage of 64GB. If your child is enrolling in media type classes, consider getting a larger capacity device to store recorded video.

While you may source your device from anywhere, the College has partnered with two companies that provide discounted or special rates on devices.


Compnow offers specially priced bundles for your child’s learning and ICT needs.  Head to https://shop.compnow.com.au/school/byford-sc to see their payment options and bundles.

There is also the option to spread the cost of your purchase into smaller payments with Edstart.

  • You can choose to pay weekly, fortnightly or monthly
  • Spread your cost for up to 36 months
  • No interest charges
  • $6 monthly account-keeping fee while your balance is above zero
  • No lock-in contract – adjust or cancel at any time with no charges


If you wish to purchase through JB HIFI, please use this link to access education prices https://www.jbeducation.com.au/byod/ and use the code byfordsc2024 to access our school specific portal.

The College makes every effort to protect students from inappropriate websites, and we recommend that safe internet practices are followed outside of the College as well. Running services such as VPNs to evade restrictions will result in the device being banned from our network. 

Private insurance of your student’s device is strongly recommended as the college is not liable for any damage to personal items.

 Please see our ICT policy.

Purchase Tenders

Byford secondary college is inviting competitive tender offers(open) for
purchase of used /old MacBooks. 

Tender status: CLOSED

Closes: TBA

Mobile Phone Usage

Our focus in the College is to maximise student engagement and success in learning within a safe and orderly learning environment. While it is understandable that some parents provide mobile phones to their children for safety and other reasons, we must protect the learning, work and safety of all community members in our care and the maintenance of good order in our College.

Not only can mobile phone use be disruptive, using mobile cameras (still and video) to film people and their activities without their knowledge and/or permission is an invasion of privacy and will not be permitted.

Our Policy follows the “Off and Away All Day” program introduced by the State Government in 2019.

Please see our Mobile Phone and Portable Devices Policy

While you may source your device from anywhere, the College has partnered with two companies that provide discounted or special rates on devices.